Level 2, Reading-Speaking, Unit 1

Level 2 Reading and Speaking Unit 1

Communication Basics for English for Speakers Of Other Languages 


Level 2 


Speaking And Listening 

By Sophia Ahmed And Mary LaVigne



This text was created as part of a project of the ESOL faculty team at Lansing Community College. Our goal was to create a set of texts for adult ESOL students that would integrate skills across language skill areas: Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar, and Writing. Our goal was also to scaffold skill instruction across levels so that students would experience a connected instructional approach as they progressed through an ESOL program.

Speaking and Listening Communication Basics Level 2 and the companion text Reading Communication Basics Level 2  were created for students at the intermediate level.. The focus is on communicative competency, but we have incorporated academic skills (understanding basic grammatical terms, punctuation, writing conventions, paragraph format) because our students’ goal is to complete a postsecondary training program. Our students include immigrants, refugees, permanent residents, U.S. citizens, and International F-1 visa holders and come from Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. We hope that this text will help you as you work with your students.

Table Of Content

UNIT 1: Academic

Section 1.1

I.Before you listen activities (A)

II. Pre-listening activities (B)

III. TED talk video (The heavy burden of hope — girls education in the developing world: Amy Benson

IV. Previewing Vocabulary/VOAnews (Vocabulary questions)

Section 1.2

I.Listening for maim idea

II. VOAnews and answer questions

III. Pronunciation: reduced and reduce words

Section 1.3

I.Listening/ main idea

II.Pronunciation (-s,z,iz) & (-t, -d, ed)

Section 1.4

I.IPA pulmonic consonants & vowel

Section 1.5

I.Sample presentation videos

II. Oral presentation topics

III. Presentation rubric

Section 1.6

  1. Oral presentation topics

Unit 2: Community

Section 1.1

I.Before you listen activities (A)

II. Pre-listening activities (B)

III. Youtube: What makes a good community?

IV. Previewing Vocabulary/VOAnews (Vocabulary questions)

Section 1.2

I.Listening for maim idea

II. VOAnews and answer questions

III. Pronunciation: reduced and reduce words

Section 1.3

I.1.3A Pronunciation (teens & tens)

II. 1.3B Pronunciation (minimal pairs)

Section 1.4

I.Listening (what makes a good community)

II. Listening (How Urban green spaces build community)

Section 1.5

I.Previewing vocabulary

II. Listening to VOA news (video)

Section 1.6

I.1.6 A Oral presentation rubric/sample presentation videos

II. 1.6 B Oral presentation topic

Unit 1: Academic Life

Section 1.1 (before you listen)

 A. Before you listen: Group activities 1.1

  1. Connecting to the topic: Look at the photos below and answer the questions below in groups.

a. Who are these people? Where are they?

b. Would you say this is elementary school, middle school, high school, or college?

c. What age group are these children in your opinion?

d. Where are they? What’s their nationalities in your opinion?

2. Look at each photo below and describe each one of them in detail.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

B. Pre-listening activities: Watch the video about introducing yourself: work with 2 students and answer the questions below in groups

How to introduce yourself

a. The first time you meet your teachers and classmates in school , what do you first do? What do you say? How do you introduce yourself to others?

b. When you meet people for the first time, what body language do you use? A bow, a handshake, a kiss, a smile, a wave?

c. Have you ever met people online? If yes, in what situations?

Watch the TED talk videos and answer the questions below in groups then discuss what you thought of the videos in small groups

The heavy burden of hope — girls education in the developing world: Amy Benson at TEDxMonterey:

The heavy burden of hope — girls education in the developing world

a. What is the main point of the speaker’s presentation?

b. What facts and other evidence does the speaker provide to support his/her claims?

c. Who is the intended audience for this presentation (i.e. who would benefit the most from listening to this presentation)?

d. What is the larger conversation on the subject matter? What other viewpoints should be considered?

  1. Previewing Vocabulary: Listening to these words and phrases from the passage. Complete these sentences using the words on this list.

Listen to VOA news

Admission (n) adviser (n) charges (n) fair (n) financial (n) aid (n)
Institute (n) representative (n) series (n) service (n) Attend (v)
  1. We need the _______________ of a mechanic.
  2. There are students who are not qualified for ______________.
  3. The __________________ of art is very popular in NYU.
  4. That restaurant _______________ a dollar for a cup of coffee.
  5. She read a _______________ of articles in the newspaper.
  6. It helped to talk with my school _______________ when I was having some problems last year.
  7. _______________ to the movie is six dollars.
  8. My pig won a prize at the state _______________.
  9. The law says that children must _______________ school.
  10. U.S. citizens vote for _______________ in Congress.

Section 1.2 (Listening for main idea)

A. Listening for main ideas. Prepare to answer the questions below in groups. Click the link below to listen.

Listen to VOA news

  1. What’s the main idea of the passage?
  2. Where do students go to get advice?
  3. Do these advisers charge money? If so, How much?
  4. What’s the educational fair and its purpose?
  5. How long has the Institute of International Education been organizing fairs?
  6. Where’s the next education fairs?
  7. What’s the one last important advice you give yourself?

FOCUS on Pronunciation

(Unreduce and Reduce)


  1. She is going to move to Boston.
  2. I am not going to ask her to finish that job.
  3. We are going to have a retirement

Link 1: practice 2 (reduced/unreduced)


  1. She’s gonna get married in Boston.
  2. I’m not gonna ask her to finish that job.
  3. We’re gonna have a retirement party for Luke.

Link 2: practice 2 (reduced/unreduced)

Section 1.3 (Listening to lecture)

To listen go to: OpenForum

Answer the questions below: To find the questions, go to: OpenForumquestions

After you Listen 


Sounds of the Plural “s” in English: [s], [z] or [z]

Rules 1  Rules 1: -s-z-iz.pdf

Rule 2 Rules 2: -s-z-iz.pdf

Rule 3 Rules 3: -s-z-iz.pdf

[t], [d] or [Id]: Practicehere

t], [d] or [Id]? | “-ed” Past Tense | English Pronunciation

Rules 1: Rule/-t-d-or-id-ed-pronunciation.

Rule 2: rule 2 (/t,d,id/

Pronunciation of Final –S (Plural Nouns and Verbs in Third Person)

Click here for lesson: Rules of final -S

Activity A: Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer for each question.

Click here to: Listen to the words and select the correct word final -s=/s,z.Iz/

Activity B: Distinguish among  /-s/, /iz/, /z/ endings. Your teacher will read one of the words below. Listen carefully then put a check (√) mark next to the sound your hear. Compare with your classmate.

Words /-s/ /-iz/ /-z/

Click here to Find practice quiz here: practice quiz on /s,z,IZ/ ending

ED pronunciation in English – How to pronounce ED endings

Lesson:  How to pronounce ED endings

Chart: Pronunciation -ED

Activity C: Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer for each question:

Listen to the words and select the correct word final -ed = /t, d, Id/

Find practice quiz here: practice quiz on /t,d,ed/ ending 

Section 1.4 (IPA pulmonic consonant & vowels)


Watch the clip about:  IPA pulmonic consonant chart with audio

Watch the clip about:  English Pronunciation and IPA: Voicing and Place 

Activity 1:  Can you pick the phonetic symbols, if given an example word and place/manner of articulation ?

Activity 2: IPA non-English pulmonic consonants quizlet

Watch the clip about Introduction to Articulatory Phonetics (Vowels)

Watch the clip about:  Introduction to Articulatory Phonetics (Consonants)

Activity 1: Find the voice, place and manner of each IPA consonant.

Activity 2: Phonetics: Consonants quizlet

Activity 3: Phonetics: Vowels, Consonants quizlet

Section 1.5 (Sample presentation to watch below)

sample presentation 1

sample presentation 2

sample presentation 3

sample presentation 4

Oral Presentation Outline Format; click below:

Outline 1

Outline 2      

Presentation rubrics:




In groups: choose one of the Oral Communication Speech Topics and share with your group in class.

  1. Do you have a nickname? If yes, how did you get it, and who gave you that nickname? explain
  2. Convince us to vote for you as president of your country.
  3. How does one make a new friend.
  4. Explain which came first: the chicken or the egg.
  5. What’s your favorite meal? tell us how to make your favorite meal.
  6. If everything in the world had to change to the same color, what color would you choose and why?
  7. Describe the school rules in your country you would change and why.


  1. Compare the colleges in your country to the colleges in the USA?
  2. What are three big differences between college life so far and your high school days? Explain
  3. What is your major? Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets? If so, why?
  4. What did you find the most surprising thing about the school system in the United States? And what would you like to see change?
  5. What are the major characteristics you think a teacher should have? Explain



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