Level 2, Reading-Speaking, Unit 1

Level 2 Reading and Speaking Unit 1

Unit 2: Community

Section 1.1. (Before you listen)

Before you listen: Group activities 1.1

A. Speaking: Connecting to the topic: Look at the photos and answer the questions below in groups.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

a. Look at the people in the photo; in how many different ways are they relating to each other? 

b. If you write a story about the people in the photos, what topic would you give it and why?

B. Pre-listening activities: Watch the Community around the world and talk about in groups of 2 or 3 and answer the questions below in groups

Video:             Building Community by Helping Each Other

      1. What have you learned from the video? Discuss in details with your group members.
      1. Have you, or anyone you know, done volunteer work to help other individuals, such as the poor, the elderly, and children?
      1. If you could do something to volunteer to help your community, what would it be? And why?
    1. What were some fun activities or events that you enjoyed in your community when you were in your country?

C. Watch and listen to the video and answer the questions below in groups of 2 or 3.

Video:             What makes a good community?

1.      After you watch, describe and discuss what you have learned from the video.

2.      In your opinion, what do you think makes a good community? Discuss among your group members.

D. Previewing Vocabulary: Listening to these words and phrases from the passage

Listen:             In Class With Peace Corps Volunteers in Africa, Asia

  1. Chemical engineering
  2. Serve
  3. Literally
  4. Magical
  5. Floating around
  6. Crowded
  7. Technical assistance
  8. Motivated
  9. Opportunities
  10. Rural
  11. Fasting
  12. Developing countries
  13. Anniversary
  14. Peace Corps
  15. Expressed


E. Complete the sentences with the above vocabulary list

  1. Tom _________ complete satisfaction about the English program.
  2. _______________ is a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially.
  3. Lucy and her husband celebrated their tenth
  4. Melody has been traveling for volunteer work and has been working with the _____________.
  5. Since the students could not access their workbooks online, they called for ______________ to help them with access codes.
  6. and Mrs. Smith live in the middle of ______________ Michigan.
  7. Tamiya is studying to become a _______________.
  8. Malcolm has served the church very ____________.
  9. There are still some unfounded fears ____________ out there about cancer being contagious.
  10. Right before Christmas holidays, the malls are usually _________.
  11. Carlota is _____________ to wake up at 5Am every morning and do his exercises.
  12. Many foreign students apply to American universities in order to take advantage of all the ___________.
  13. I have received ___________ thousands of letters.
  14. The fireworks on July 4th were ____________ to watch with my children.
  15. During Ramadan (is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture), Muslims all around the world take part of _________.

Section 1.2 (Listen for main idea)

  1. Listening for main ideas. Prepare to answer the questions below in groups. Click the link below to listen.

Listen:             In Class With Peace Corps Volunteers in Africa, Asia

  1. What’s the main idea of the passage?
  2. What’s peace corps?

3.Who started the program and what was the year?

  1. What does Peace Corps do?
  2. Who is Ms. Pease and what were her studies?
  3. What did Ms. Peace decide to do after she finished her degree?
  4. Who is Travis Travis Bluemling? What does he do for a living?
  5. Where is Travis from?

Section 1.3 A (Focus on Pronunciation)

(Listen to Teens Or Tens)

  1. Notice the differences in stress between the following pairs of words. In the numbers 13 to 19, be sure to stress “-teen” ending.

For 20, 30, 40, 50, etc., 90, stress the first syllable only.

  1. Listen here and watch: Pronunciation: Tens and Teens
Thirteen Thirty
Fourteen forty
Fifteen fifty
Sixteen sixty
Seventeen seventy
Eighteen eighty
Nineteen Ninety
  1. Practice Minimal pairs (Tens & Teens), listen and practice the quiz

Listen:          Practice1

C. Distinguish between teens and tens. Listen to the sentences your teacher is reading and circle the number your hear.

  1. There were 30/13 candles on the cake.
  2. The twins just turned 13/30.
  3. I ordered 40/14 bouquet of flowers.
  4. She turned 40/14.
  5. Her friend has 50/15 different types of flowers in her garden.
  6. They are celebrating her 16th/60th
  7. The Smith’s lived in for home for 18/80
  8. Lin is 19/90.

D. Listen again to (Teens & Tens) (Practice quiz)

Listen:             Listen to Teens & Tens

Section 1.3B (Focus on Pronunciation)

(Listen to minimal pairs)

  1. Listening activities (dictation 1): dictation and listening activities
  2. Listening activities (dictation 2): adjectives ending in -ed & -ing
  3. Listen to : Vowel Sound Minimal Pairs
/i/ and // /e/ and // // and /a/ /u/ and / / /o/ and / /

Activity 1: Listen to: Minimal Pairs /ɪ/ and /i:/  and practice

Activity 2: Minimal Pair Quiz: [I] vs. [i]

Activity 3: listen and practice Minimal Pairs: /ɪ/ & /i/

Activity 4: pdf practice minimal pairs practices

Section 1.4 (Listening to lecture)

A.    Watch what makes a good community and answer the question below with your group

1.      What’s a community to you?

2.      What types of communities exist in your hometown or neighborhood?

3.      Describe your community?

B.  Watch and listen to  how urban green spaces build community and answer the questions below with your group

  1. According to the video, what is urban green spaces?
  2. How does the speaker describe community?
  3. Define citizens and urban
  4. Where did the speaker grow up? And how did she learn about gardening?

Section 1.5 (Vocabulary)

Activity 1: Previewing vocabulary: listen to your teacher read and pronounce the words below and repeat after the teacher. Then match the words to their appropriate synonyms by putting the letters in the blank.

a) Occurred    b) charming c) et cetera d) issues
e) Retire f) demanded g) horror h) dollhouse
i) Announced j) interrupted k) suggested   l) underestimate
m) Wisdom n) cleanliness o) considered  p) indoors
q) Custom r) patterns s) audience


  1. ________ designs
  2. ________ spectators
  3. ________ careful
  4. ________ inside
  5. ________ tradition
  6. ________ insisted
  7. ________ fear
  8. ________ toy
  9. ________ declared
  10. ________ Happened
  11. ________ stop working
  12. ________ insight
  13. ________ hygiene
  14. ________ disrupted
  15. ________ proposed
  16. ________ undervalued
  17. ________ delightful

18.________ subjects

Listen to the audio and take notes:  listen to the audio

  1. Click here for the question after listening: questions

Section 1.6

Oral Presentation

A.    Sample presentation to watch below:

1.      sample presentation 1

2.      sample presentation 2

3.      sample presentation 3

4.      sample presentation 4

B.     Oral Presentation Outline Format; click below:

1.      Outline 1

2.      Outline 2 

C.    Presentation rubrics:

1.      Rubric1

2.      Rubric2

3.      Rubric3

D.   In groups: choose one of the Oral Communication Speech Topics and share with your group.

  1. Talk about some things about your neighborhood in your country and the US?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your neighborhood in your country and the US?
  3. What would you have changed about your neighborhood in your country?
  4. What did you like about your community when you were in your country?
  5. What do you think should be changed in the community you came from?
  6. Did you know the people who lived in your community? Tell me about them.
  7. What did you think is the most important thing about your community in your country?

Section 1.6


Oral presentation topics to choose:

  1. What did you like about your community in your country?
  1. Are there things you might’ve changed about your community in your country?
  2. How can one help their community?
  3. How many of your neighbors did you know?
  4. What did the people in your community do for fun in your country?
  5. What did you think is the most important thing about community in your country?
  6. Did your community have special days to get together in your country?
  7. Were there a neighborhood watch program in your community?
  8. Did the community in your country welcome strangers?
  9. Have you ever helped a neighbor? Explain

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